Sunday, March 8, 2009

Welcome to the Falls at Montrose!

So you're deciding to move to the Falls at Montrose? Maybe you heard about it by word of mouth at the Blue Moon Bar a few blocks away? Perhaps it was one of the posts on or It's possible you caught a glimpse of one of the eyesore signs they put up around the neighborhood?

Well, let me help you make your decision: don't.

Over time, I'll be posting tenant testimonials and background on the City of Glendale lawsuit against the Falls, but let's start with some trivialities regarding their post on MyNewPlace:

"With community features such as a sparkling swimming pool"

How about we take a gander at a recent pool inspection record (I'll be making this its own post later) which is located here. What do they have to say?

"Pool at THE FALLS AT MONTROSE inspected: 13 violations"

Let's list a few of these:

  • Filter needed cleaning
  • Inadequate skimming
  • pH not acceptable
  • Not enough chlorine
  • No automatic chlorinator
  • Turbidity (i.e. cloudy water/not visually clean)
  • No one officially listed as maintaining a pool
Eek! Guess it's not so sparkling! Needless to say, there's a few more.

What else does the ad have to say?

"lush, green landscaping, and an enchanting waterfall that flows through the entire community, you'll want your next home to be at The Falls at Montrose."

Lush? Well, it certain has been lush. So lush that they had to cut branches trees around the complex that were, according to rumor, in violation of fire code.

Green landscaping? Well if you come for your visit, you'll notice quite a few barren spots which is likely related to the Falls being a little too pet friendly. So pet friendly, the dogs let themselves go where ever they want (this'll make the subject of it's own post later):

In all fairness, it is difficult to enforce this and the Management has threatened to punish those that can't contain their pets' love--but this does not appear to have ever been enforced.

So this is a very humble beginning. You may be wondernig that these are fairly trivial issues and they are, all things considered. Once I formalize some tenant statements, I'll be putting those up which will account the following:

  • The Manager joking with one tenant about peeing on and damaging another tenant's car while at work
  • The Manager calling a tenant at work to harass him for asking an assistent why she missed an agreement on appointment.
  • The Management failing to replace feces stained carpet for months
As well as some details on the City of Glendale lawsuit.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I would never live here! Thanks for the update, I am looking at moving out to that area, and I certainly won't come here.
